What will be my locker address ?

The address should be "Your name" followed by the host's address. For example, Jane Smith(Your name), Host's address (123 Joey Lane, Carrollton, Texas, USA - 75033)

What Is Considered As Dangerous Goods Or Hazardous Material?
What Is the Difference Between Restricted And Prohibited Items?
Can you Export Perfume?
What If My Package Is Rejected By Home Country Customs?
What If I Do Not Wish To Pay The Duties While Receiving My Package?
Do Shipping Rates Include Customs Fees, Tariffs Or Taxes?
What is consolidation, and how does it help me save?
What Are The Import Guidelines Of My Home Country?
Will my shipment be insured ?
What is Duty/Tax Free Amount (De Minimis Value)?
Do all countries require import duties ?
What are the import guidelines of my home country?
How do I request a seller invoice ?
Will I be asked to submit the seller invoice for all the items?
Why do I need to provide Purchase Value of each item ?
Can I ship USED items ?
What is my total landed cost which includes the custom duty and local tax?
Can you provide local services like tailoring, prescription glasses and pooja temples?
Can you pickup packages from my home in India?
I don’t need shopping and consolidation services, can you create shipping label for me?
Do I get a local address to store my purchases?
What is CrossBorderShoppe?